Load wsgi middleware from configuration
From https://discuss.tryton.org/t/sentry-sdk-integration/1925/6
it appears that it will be very useful to allow to configure some middleware to apply on the wsgi application.
From https://discuss.tryton.org/t/sentry-sdk-integration/1925/6
it appears that it will be very useful to allow to configure some middleware to apply on the wsgi application.
assigned to @ced
added trytond type::feature + 1 deleted label
New review270521002 at https://codereview.tryton.org/270521002/#ps288491002
added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
review270521002 updated at https://codereview.tryton.org/270521002/#ps288661002
New changeset b108dd82df17 by Cédric Krier in branch 'default':
Load WSGI middleware from configuration
added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
New changeset 2afc4b8a21b8 by Cédric Krier in branch 'default':
Load WSGI middleware from configuration