Use ir.calendar.month in opportinuties reports
We should use a Many2One to ir.calendar.month instead of display the month as number.
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- Cédric Krier assigned to @ced
assigned to @ced
- Cédric Krier added sales type::behavior + 1 deleted label
added sales type::behavior + 1 deleted label
- Cédric Krier added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
review280101002 updated at
- Developer
I found an issue while testing the review. When using sao if you click on the name of the Month to Open it's detail a Forbbiden error is raised and nothing happens.
review280101002 updated at
review280101002 updated at
New changeset befb957cc937 by Cédric Krier in branch 'default':
Use ir.calendar.month in sale opportunity reports Roundup Robot added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
- Roundup Robot closed
New changeset 4732f9475e57 by Cédric Krier in branch 'default':
Use ir.calendar.month in sale opportunity reports Cédric Krier mentioned in issue #8641 (closed)
mentioned in issue #8641 (closed)