Ok, so I uploaded review261871002 which includes Income Statement inside Balance sheet.
For existing databases the following sql queries should be executed to update:
update account_account_type_template set parent = (select db_id from ir_model_data np where module = 'account_es' and fs_id = 'es_balance_resultado_del_ejercicio_normal') where parent in (select db_id from ir_model_data where module = 'account_es' and fs_id = 'es_pyg_resultado_ejercicio_normal');
update account_account_type_template set parent = (select db_id from ir_model_data np where module = 'account_es' and fs_id = 'es_balance_resultado_del_ejercicio_pyme') where parent in (select db_id from ir_model_data where module = 'account_es' and fs_id = 'es_pyg_resultado_ejercicio_pyme');
update account_account_type as t set parent = p.id
from account_account_type_template tt, account_account_type_template pt, account_account_type p
where pt.id = tt.parent and t.template = tt.id and p.template = pt.id;
The data for the type templates will be ok but as the update chart does not manage the parent update all the values of the account.type will be still wrong and the issue won't be fixed.
On 2019-07-22 18:02, Sergi Almacellas Abellana wrote:
> > So you must change the XML ids.
> An what will be the benefit?
No migration needed.
> The data for the type templates will be ok but as the update chart does not manage the parent update all the values of the account.type will be still wrong and the issue won't be fixed.
I do not understand. If you have new record that will have correct
Put the income statement inside the balance is a good practice.
But I think as there are no constraint for that, we still should improve the domain of Income statement to work with parent with NULL statement value.