Hi, I will try to add some information regarding argentinan accounting.
The goverment of argentina does not publish a chart of account to be used. So, generally the accountant use the one that is set from the software that has been implemented on the company.
The other stuff that I have set is some taxes (IVA) and code taxes. The code taxes definition is not what I want. It must be re-thinked. Today we do not used this reports.
Also, we need at argentina the total amount of taxes grouped by some field that it does not exists in tryton (type of responsible at tax). Example: final consumer, responsable, foreign customer ). I don't know if this field should be added here at this module or not. It would be nice to have it. Ej: https://github.com/tryton-ar/party_ar/blob/master/party.py#L189
To the tax model I setted the group field to be require, and added the groups a new field called afip_kind, so we can distingish the kind of tax published by goverment. Today this is useful to create the reports to settle taxes monthly.
I'm attaching an screenshot to explain the information that we send it to the accountant.Today we create an ods, but there should no problem to be displayed as a report inside tryton.
> Also, we need at argentina the total amount of taxes grouped by some field that it does not exists in tryton (type of responsible at tax). Example: final consumer, responsable, foreign customer ). I don't know if this field should be added here at this module or not. It would be nice to have it.
Do you use diferent taxes depending on the type of customer? If so you create a tax rule to set the correct taxes. Otherwise it will be great if you can explain how you determine if a party is from each type and which is the usage of the field.
> To the tax model I setted the group field to be require, and added the groups a new field called afip_kind, so we can distingish the kind of tax published by goverment. Today this is useful to create the reports to settle taxes monthly.
Why is this required? What does afip_kind mean and what is used to? It is releated to the type of customer?
>> Also, we need at argentina the total amount of taxes grouped by some field that it does not exists in tryton (type of responsible at tax). Example: final consumer, responsable, foreign customer ). I don't know if this field should be added here at this module or not. It would be nice to have it.
>Do you use diferent taxes depending on the type of customer? If so you create a tax rule to set the correct taxes. Otherwise it will be great if you can explain how you determine if a party is from each type and which is the usage of the field.
Ok, we also have point of sales at invoices[0]. Those point of sales has their own types. For example, if the customer's type is set to "consumidor final" the the invoice type should kind "B", instead of kind "A" if my company's type is "Responsable Inscripto". If my company and the customer are set to "Responsable Inscripto", the type of point of sale should be the kind "A" instead of kind "B".[2]
Saying this, this information is not only to know which tax should be added to the invoice, it's used to know which kind of invoice_type (point of sale) should be also used.
When create the tax report, this information (party's type) is used to settle taxes grouped by the type of customer/supplier.
>> To the tax model I setted the group field to be require, and added the groups a new field called afip_kind, so we can distingish the kind of tax published by goverment. Today this is useful to create the reports to settle taxes monthly.
>Why is this required? What does afip_kind mean and what is used to? It is releated to the type of customer?
The afip kind it's a way to group the taxes how the goverment requires[3]. I don't know if this is the best way. Perhaps this "afip_kind" field could be at the tax model?
* Importe de operaciones exentas
* Importe de percepciones o pagos a cuenta de impuestos Nacionales (kind: nacional)
* Importe de percepciones de Ingresos Brutos (kind: provincial)
* Importe de percepciones impuestos Municipales (kind: municipal)
* Importe impuestos internos (kind: interno)
* Cantidad de alícuotas de IVA (kind: gravado)
Thanks and hope this information helps to better understanding.
Hi, I recently updated the reviewcode by adding a new account tax code template to settle iva taxes based on account_es module.
Unfortunately the accountant needs some more information to settle the taxes. I don´t know if I have some way to do it with tax code report, or I will need to achieve outside of that.
As I said it needs iva taxes grouped by type (called iva_condition) of the party. The value of this field we transfer it to invoice[0], so when we settle the iva taxes we can group by that as show on the screenshot before.
Also, it needs to group by subdivision of the parties. For example, I will need to know the total amount of an specific tax that was invoiced to an specific subdivision.
Those to reports can be achieved by the account tax code report?
The other thing that I'm wondering is if I should simply the groups just to be sale/purchase and then at the tax model add the grouped field afip_kind, very similar as I saw at account_es[1]
For me, it is not possible to understand how this all thing works nor what are the actual requirements.
I think we should not talk at all about fields nor design before having a clear picture about the complete requirements.
So what are the taxes that applies when selling and purchasing? Kinds, different rates etc.
How are the taxes collected and reported?
What is the matter with invoice type? Why is it needed? How does it work?
I think those questions should not be answered here but as wiki blueprint (because it will evolve and be refined). And it should be first only focused on taxes.