Similar to #7766 (closed), it is possible to retrieve the order of a field for which user has no read access.
E.g.:[], order=[('cost_price', 'ASC')])
By reading [1], it shows that it is possible to guess the values if the data has a normal distribution and if we know the maximal range. Even if we are not in the exact same situation as described. Knowing the order of such field may leak too much data.
So I propose to use the same solution as for #7766 (closed) and check read access on the field used in order.
This is no more possible directly via Debian, because the policy of has changed and Debian assigns now only CVEs for internal issues. Nevertheless I was re-assured that requests via are answered in a timely manner.
I tried that, but couldn't proceed for those reasons:
- Tryton is not yet registered as a vendor. This should be done with an appropriate mail address by the maintainer or a foundation member.
- 'Suggested description of the vulnerability for use in the CVE' should be that on the publication to which I have no access.
@ced, @nicoe: Could you please take the appropriate steps to get proper CVE numbers for the project?