With #5888 (closed), we lost the date added by #4921 (closed).
I think we should reintroduce it as it help user to plan in advance the payments more easily.
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just two remarks (mostly cosmetic, so feel free to disregard them)
1. why having two views ? one for asking the date, and another for asking the journal ? isn't more simple to have both on the same view ? it would be only two/three lines in total.
2. with wizard in two views, the "next" button for PayLineStart is labelled "Pay", as if the next action will be effectively the Payment creation. I found it is a bit confusing from UI point of vue as the result is asking the journal. A "Next" button would be more straightfull. But I didn't check how are done others multiviews wizards.
There are two views because the ask journal view is part of a loop so it can be display multiple times. I do not think we want to ask multiple times the date.
The button is labelled "Pay" because it can be the last action of the wizard depending if there are or not a journal. This is computed on the transition so we can not show a different label before the transition. So I think it is better to always display as if it was the last action than the opposite and being the last action.