Use table-layout fixed
In Sao.View.resize, we have a trick to use fixed layout and than switch back to auto in order to allow the grow of the cell content.
So this means that the width of the column may vary a little bit during the lifetime of a treeview. This can be awkward for the user experience. And it has performance issue because the browse needs to recompute the display of the table (which can be large).
We have to use this trick because we do not set a width to each column.
So I propose to set a col for each field with a width in percentage. As far as I could see the percentage does not need to sum to 100%, so we can use it as the deprecated width attribute of col: 1*.
As the column will have a fixed width, the content may overflow so I propose to put a title to let the user get the full text of the cell.
In the same way, the button in treeview has padding and border that makes them bigger than the other cell. So we should remove those to keep the row similar.
And when a cell is edited, the input widget also has padding which is added to the existing cell padding. This should also remove to avoid row grows.