I think E164 format always appends country code at the beginning. This could be useful for international companies, but in case of a national company (company which almost all its parties are in the same country) they don't like to see all phone numbers beginning with the same prefix.
The phone number field is also used to store the phone extension. How the phone extension would be formatted using E164? E164 could say that a phone with an extension is not valid, or could remove it.
Jordi Esteveadded 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
On 08 Nov 19:49, Jordi Esteve wrote:
> I think E164 format always appends country code at the beginning. This could be useful for international companies, but in case of a national company (company which almost all its parties are in the same country) they don't like to see all phone numbers beginning with the same prefix.
Don't care that bad practice.
Bu probably a default country should be customizable.
> The phone number field is also used to store the phone extension. How the phone extension would be formatted using E164? E164 could say that a phone with an extension is not valid, or could remove it.