Allow users to request a password reset
As discussed in
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- David Harper assigned to @dave
assigned to @dave
- David Harper added sao tryton trytond type::feature + 1 deleted label
added sao tryton trytond type::feature + 1 deleted label
New review363641002 at
review363641002 updated at
review363641002 updated at
- Cédric Krier assigned to @ced and unassigned @dave
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit d658224db7d9
mentioned in commit d658224db7d9
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit a75821d4ae0e
mentioned in commit a75821d4ae0e
- Cédric Krier mentioned in merge request !880 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !880 (merged)
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit 8cf128f1898d
mentioned in commit 8cf128f1898d
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit 161d1954c839
mentioned in commit 161d1954c839
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit 2725d6ef637b
mentioned in commit 2725d6ef637b
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit f3a62a353573
mentioned in commit f3a62a353573
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit 20526ea39e2d
mentioned in commit 20526ea39e2d
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit 4ace9d363ee2
mentioned in commit 4ace9d363ee2
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit dcb1d7470734
mentioned in commit dcb1d7470734
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit e79ef7b5a96d
mentioned in commit e79ef7b5a96d
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit 74eba18cde12
mentioned in commit 74eba18cde12
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit 59294815ff5a
mentioned in commit 59294815ff5a
- Cédric Krier mentioned in commit cf01e133e79c
mentioned in commit cf01e133e79c